
CSAD Jamborie 'Happy to be hybrid'

This morning was the second CSAD Jamborie. Guest speakers included Elanor Glover,  Owen Lloyd and Price James. All three were very insightful and entertaining.

Elanor was a former toy maker, graphic design student and now sculpture/fine artist. She concentrated on inspiration' where it comes from, how to capture/bottle/reserve and of course use it. She spoke of the brain as a compost heap; constantly being added to. She also spoke of the importance of talking to others, stepping 'outside your tribe' and into other peoples. Abstract but true. Owen Lloyd is a  digital sound artist who spoke of the importance/benefits of working with others who showed some very interesting stuff.

Price James, music video director and former graphic design student from Central St. Martins put on a very entertaining show. His underlying ethos seems to be above all else reckless creativity. Someone who has built his career from being brave, talented and enthusiastic. His work is fantastic and you should take a look.

The lasting impression of the morning is that whatever field of art and design you're in, they all overlap and intersperse. Its just about being creative. Illustration tutor and compere Chris Glyn summed it up fittingly by saying... 'we're all happy to be hybrid'. The above is music video by Jame Price.

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